Keebler - Bus/Car
The Keebler Elves are out in the world! And Someone’s Cousin helped get them there! Along with, of course, the super-talented people at Terri Sandy. Not only did we get the opportunity to take the elves out of The Hollow Tree, but Ella and Joy got a glow-up! Who doesn’t love a makeover?
3D Animation
Camera Tracking
On Set Supervision
Color Conform Flame
Someone’s Cousin
Creative Lead: Chris Johnson
Look Dev/Technical Lead: Lorne Kwechansky
Animators: Chris Johnson/Alvaro Bravo Ramirez
Rigging: Chris Lesage
Modeling/Texturing: Chris Johnson
Lighting, Rendering: Lorne Kwechansky
Flame, Color, Finishing: Frame Distillery
Lead Flame Artist: Rob Del Ciancio
Color: Rob Del Ciancio
Agency: Terri Sandy
EP: Michael Flexner
Creative Director: Chris Cannon
Creative Director: JP Gomez
Senior Copywriter: Mark Carlson
Associate Creative Director: Tanya Bechara
Associate Creative Director: Erynn Mattera
Group Account Director: Drew Halpern
Account Supervisor: Devin Hauser
Senior Account Executive: Basia Osbourne
Editorial: PS 260
Editor Ashley Ingbretson
Executive Producer Laura Patterson
Head of Production Evann Payne
Production: Picrow
Director Sergio Cilli
EP Dal Wolf
EP Anthony Ficalora